Sophie Fabbri: Photographer and Photo Editor



Sophie Fabbri is a photographer and photo editor based in NY.


What do you do?

I’m a photographer and photo editor. I love shooting and curating.

How did you know photography was for you? And how did you carve out your own niche?

I wish I went to art school, but I studied science. After graduating I tried combining my degree with something creative and worked in landscape architecture. I only made it a year before quitting - then got very lucky and was hired as a photo studio manager.

When I was little my dad owned a film photo lab, so I started using his old cameras around that time to shoot. Since then, I can't get enough.

I think my general affinity for good food, travel, and beautiful spaces brought me to where I’m at now simply because I love shooting in that realm. I hope to continuously evolve and shoot new things out of my comfort zone.

What inspires you?

Nature and being by the ocean, and early morning light. Being back in NYC the past months and meeting so many new people has also been a big source of inspiration.

How do you break out of a creative funk?

Traveling always brings me out of feeling stagnant and stirs inspiration. Whenever I take a trip I come back with pages of to-do’s in my journal. Sometimes when I feel like I’m forcing something I need to remind myself to take a break - maybe focus my attention on learning something new and come back to the other project later.

Favorite form of self care?

I’ve been trying to cram a lot in lately, so self care could be walking in the city with no destination or driving upstate for some fresh air. Having pasta with family or friends on Sundays is comforting because it reminds me of home - sharing meals with people feels like stress relief for me. I also take a bath at least once a week, usually Sundays.

How would you describe your point of view as it relates to your photography?

Warm, personal, and uncontrived.

What’s some creative advice you live by?

To put yourself out there and trust there's a place for your work.

What’s on your fall playlist?

I’m training for the marathon and love listening to District Vision’s playlists. They’re a good combo of upbeat + zoning-out songs to help cruise through long runs. “The Portal” is my favorite.

Who would your dream creative collaboration include?

Jil Sander!

What are your favorite creative outlets outside of photography?

I love ceramics but haven't been spending much time on that since moving back to the city- maybe more in the winter. Otherwise, cooking and figure drawing classes.

Have you always lived in NY?

Mostly, yes. I went to California for awhile during covid and came back to Brooklyn this past spring. Happy to be back!

An artist or creative that is really inspiring you right now?

I just went to Mallorca and met Rocío Graves, a talented chef and warm, loving person. Her meals were out of this world but uncomplicated and nutritious at the same time. One day she made a cardamom cumin lemonade and it re-sparked my love for cooking and experimenting. Also Wayne Pate’s paintings—I love his color palette.

Favorite store to find a great gift in NYC?

There's a new store on E 9th street called Jane- I’m a sucker for homeware things.


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